Martina Lenton

Born in 1990, she started her piano studies at the age of 5 with her father, Gregory Lenton, and continued with him until the age of 18, when she started her superior studies at the “Conservatorio Superior de Salamanca” (Salamanca superior conservatory), with Sophia Hase, with whom she is still studying.

She has taken part in several international music courses, with professors like Daniel del Pino (San Esteban de Gormaz, Spain), Craig Nies(Brevard, NC, USA) and Anatol Ugorsky (Oviedo, Spain), among others.

Between 2007 and 2008 she recieved private lessons from Stanislav Pochekin, Iván Cítera and Alexander Kandelaki.

Between 2003 and 2007 she won several prizes in piano competitions, including 3rd prize in the international “Ciutat de Carlet” competition, and 1st prize “Joves Intèrprets de Joventuts Musicals” in Sóller

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